"It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world, and moral courage so rare."

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Students Bring Tom Sawyer to Life in Summer Stock

The Marlowe Middle School in Huntley, Illinois will be presenting "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" as a summer stock production from tonight through Saturday. With students of all ages filling more than 30 roles, it's a new take on a Twain classic.

Producer Janet Burkhalter has added never-before-seen characters and scenes, as well as a pre-show segment intended to help place the audience in the period in which the story takes place, including candy and treats of the era, as well as a chorus singing popular songs of the day. Former Marlowe PTO official Kathleen Wiedenfeld will take on the persona of Aunt Polly and sell concessions out of Aunt Polly’s store, including lemonade, penny candies and popcorn, as well as period toys and games available for sale.

"The idea was to make it seamless, so people can’t tell where Twain left off and I picked up," Burkhalter told The Midweek News.

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